Monday, February 4, 2013

SB47: Ravens 34 - 49ers 31 :(
</3 HAR(t) B(r)AUGH(ken)...OK, I know that was stretching it, but it's hard to write this post. Baltimore played an amazing first half and the Niners weren't firing on all cylinders. Most notably Chris Culliver missed a TON of tackles that ended up in BIG plays for the Ravens. I can't help but think that this was karma from his jaw-dropping anti-gay remarks from earlier in the week...Dude! You play in SAN FRANCISCO. You can't say ignorant shiz like that!! I wanted to punch him in the face for every missed tackle/blown coverage.

At the end of the first half, the score was 21-6, Ravens. So you think (or hope with all your might) that the 9ers would make adjustments and play the same dominant game they have been playing the entire season, but then the first play happens (a Super Bowl record-making 108yd punt return, nbd), and the Ravens are up 28-6. Uggggh. But wait! Then there's a BLACKOUT and the Niners score 17 unanswered points to finish the 3rd quarter! It obvi turns out to be too little too late...(TMI alert - Don't read the rest of this paragraph  and skip to Beyoncé below if you're not a 49ers fan/don't really care about the details)...It's easy to play the shoulda-woulda-coulda game, but one thing that bugged me during the Niners comeback rally in the second half was the fact that they didn't go for the two-point conversions on their TDs in the third quarter. If you're down 22 points, the quickest conventional way to cut the deficit is 4 scoring possessions (3 - 7pt TDs and 1 - 3pt FG = 24pts), but if you take a more aggressive approach, the quickest way to get back in the game only requires 3 scoring possessions (3 TDs w/at least 2 successful 2pt conversions = 8+8+6=22). THIS IS THE SUPER BOWL. There is NO next game to regroup for...The 9ers should have played more aggressively in the second half and shouldn't have left the attempt for a 2pt conversion until their last TD in the 4th quarter. Also, in the 4th quarter when the Niners failed to score with 4 minutes left in the game, Kaepernick should have ran in for the TD from the 5yd line instead of trying to force a pass in the end zone. Womp.

Beyoncé Bowl
On a lighter note, Beyoncé absolutely KILLED the halftime show!! It was so exciting to see Destiny's Child reunited on stage and do Bootylicious :) There were 5.1 millions tweets about B's halftime performance, including one from FLOTUS herself - "Watching the  with family & friends. was phenomenal! I am so proud of her! -mo". Here's a link from Huff Post for other celebrity tweets on Mrs. Carter.

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